Who we do it for
Meade Davis Communications has moderated events for many organisations, including:
- European Commission Directorates-General, including DG Agriculture, Climate Action; Communications; CONNECT; Development & Cooperation; ECFIN; Environment, Education & Culture Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion; FISMA; GROW; HOME; JUST; MOVE; NEAR; REGIO; Research & Innovation; SANTE; Taxation and Customs
- Swedish, Belgian, Polish, Danish, Cypriot & Dutch Presidencies of the European Union
- UK Mission to the EU, Canadian Mission to the EU, Danish Embassy and Permemnent Representation to the EU, Czech Permanent Representation to the EU
- European Parliament
- European Investment Bank
- European Central Bank
- Committee of the Regions
- European Economic and Social Committee
- BusinessEurope
- European Trade Union Confederation & Institute
- International Energy Agency
- International Labour Organisation
- Leading companies and organisations including Accenture, ACEA, the American Chamber of Commerce, Amway, ActivHouse, Barilla, BASF, BDI, BP, CDP Europe, CEEMET, CEMBUREAU, CEPI, Coabisco, Confederation of Danish Industry, Confindustria, Cosmetics Europe, DHL, EFPIA, Equinor, EUCAR, Eurofer, Europabio, European Association of Cooperative Banks, European Savings & Retail Banking Group, European Gaming and Betting Association, European Logistics Platform, EUCAR, European Round Table of Industrialists, Federation of European Accountants, Federmeccanica, FIPRA, FoodDrinkEurope, FuelsEurope, IEEE, MAN, Mastercard, McDonalds, Microsoft, MSD, Orange, Philips, QED, Repsol, Saab, Scania, Solvay, StarchEurope, Swiss Bankers Association, Veolia, the Volvo Group, Volvo Car Corporation
- European Policy Centre, King Baudouin Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung, European Foundation Centre, Friedrich Egbert Stiftung, DGAP
- NGOs including BEUC, Solidar, Friends of the Earth, Oxfam, ThinkYoung
- A wide range of regional organisations in Brussels.
- Consultancies: Acumen, Cecoforma, DDMC, Deloitte, Downtown Europe, Hume Brohpy, FIPRA, Fleishman Hillard, Flint, Gopa, FTI, H&K, ICF Next, MCI Benelux, Pomilio, Propager, Scholz & Friends, Tipik,
What they had to say
“You were brilliant. Lots of people have been asking “where did we get her from?” and were very impressed.” “Your skill in making sure that the flow of the Congress ran smoothly was greatly appreciated, as was your ability to pull together the key strands of previous sessions for discussion in the wrap-up.” |
“In ensuring all the speakers kept to time, and in driving panel discussions that were both informative and stimulating, your contribution was critical to the success of the event. We have received very positive feedback on the event, with many participants making specific reference to the part played by the first-rate moderator.” |
“You did a great job in handling everything we threw at you, from reading up on a new subject to dealing with ever-growing panels, and all the comments we have received so far have been very positive.” “In my professional life, I did not encounter too many people like you, who are on the one hand working extremely professionally and on the other hand have a good sense of humour.” |